Minding Your Business with Jodi-Tatiana
In the midst of today's challenging business environment, where companies strive to maintain open doors, retain their workforce, ensure vendors are fairly compensated, and keep revenue streams flowing, the importance of sharing messages of hope takes center stage.
Introducing the "Minding Your Business with Jodi-Tatiana (MYB)" podcast—a space where authentic stories from global entrepreneurs & innovators are shared before they fully blossom, while they scale, and as they navigate challenges with unwavering determination.
Launched in April 2020 during the seismic impact of the coronavirus, MYB podcast spotlights the indomitable spirit of small business proprietors and innovative startups navigating uncharted waters. Amid the pandemic's onslaught, these entrepreneurs showcased remarkable resilience, making tough choices like transitioning to digital operations, streamlining workforces, and forging ingenious revenue streams. Despite the challenges, their commitment to innovate remained steadfast.
The "Minding Your Business with Jodi-Tatiana" podcast serves as a sanctuary—a safe haven for the worldwide small business community to exchange invaluable operational insights. Here, strategies for navigating pandemic and recession related turbulence are recounted, establishing a foundation for enduring triumph beyond immediate influence.
Leading these insightful discussions is Jodi-Tatiana Charles, a respected figure with a comprehensive three-decade background in international market strategies and research. Her unwavering dedication to small business sustainability is anchored in her upbringing as a first-generation Haitian American. With a distinguished career spanning media, government, and the private sector, she is highly revered within the entrepreneurial eco-system. As the podcast's host, she effortlessly gains her guests' trust, facilitating the sharing of their inspiring stories.
Note: Amidst numerous opportunities for small businesses, uncovering accessible pathways to essential information can prove time-consuming and challenging through independent research. The MYB podcast functions as a readily available, practical resource—a streamlined hub presenting a comprehensive collection of success stories, offering invaluable insights for those in search of inspiration and guidance within a variety of industries.
Join us in these captivating discussions. Let's collaboratively nurture a supportive small business community and leverage the chance to learn from tales of achievement. Follow our episodes on your favorite podcast channel, view us on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/c/MindingYourBusinesswithJodiTatiana, and together, let's champion our small business and startup communities.
Minding Your Business with Jodi-Tatiana
Episode 186: Meet Gripwise and Lipowise co-founder/ceo, Ricardo Moura (Portugal)
Gripwise and Lipowise – Smart solutions for the assessment of body composition and muscle strength. Performing assessment and monitoring of frailty and sarcopenia to actively promote healthy ageing! Get a Grip, Be Wise!
https://www.lipowise.com and https://www.gripwisetech.com
#anthropometry #skinfold #medicaldevice #health #nutrition #bodycomposition #portugal #determined #standout #strategy #entrepreneurs #smallbusiness #businessstrategy #pandemic #innovators #MYBJT #podcast #thankyou
Follow Gripwise and Lipowise
Learn about Gripwise and Lipowise
Additional information and video of the Lipowise Solution can be found at https://youtu.be/JYz0RwjSeJY and https://youtu.be/IJv4x-7TMCo
Additional information and video of the Gripwise Solution can be found at https://youtu.be/MV13msYvclE
Studies at the University of Porto regarding Lipowise can be found here: https://remotelab.fe.up.pt/instrumented_devices/lipowise.php
Information about Gripwise’s studies at the University of Porto (the prototype was named Bodygrip then): https://limserver.fe.up.pt/remotelab/instrumented_devices/bodygrip.php
Clinical studies made by us with the final Gripwise handgrip (also in attach): https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhikJNdTw_nCueJx9mt-2rioyPl3fg?e=aIiVqk
Episode 186
Listen here: https://www.mindingyourbusinesspod.com/
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/c/mindingyourbusinesswithjoditatiana